SHEILLA CASTRO [in Japanese]
OREOL CAMEJO [in Spanish]
BRUNO REZENDE [in Portuguese]
ANA TIEMI TAKAGUI [in Portuguese]

VôleiBrasil: Why did you choose to play in Brazil?
Nicole Fawcett: Brazil has been extremely good in the world of the volleyball. And I knew if I wanted to become a better player, I needed to go where I had the opportunity to face the best players. Moreover, the atmosphere here is great.
How is your relationship with the other players?
I really like the team and I think they like me too ... haha. We had fun, at least they seem to enjoy laughing at me! I really like to laugh as my team mates, then it seems to be a very good combination.

Have you learned Portuguese?
I've learned a little Portuguese and I'm still learning a lot! I know the basics and now I'm in the process of starting to join the sentences. My limited Spanish has helped me too. The best thing for me is to understand and monitor the conversations, which is becoming easier every day, so I hope to be able to speak much better and increase my vocabulary faster than ever.
How do you talk to the team and coach?
Camilla is my translator or I should say that is one sent from God. She is fluent in English, then things become much, much easier with her here. When she is not around, Ney, Silvana and Renata give a helping hand. When they are not as well, it happens much talk of individual words and mime.
Do you live alone or shares an apartment?
I live alone and like it very much. I like to do my thing when I feel like doing. Living alone gives me that freedom.
Do you like Brazilian food?
I love Brazilian food and, well, I love food in general, but the rice is a type of food I never sick, Brazil is perfect for me. But I as well have to say that the barbecue here is WONDERFUL.

What do you miss from America?
I miss the automatic cars and a good ice cream.
Who is your Portuguese teacher on the team?
I think everyone in my team are teachers of Portuguese. I teach English to them and they teach me the translation into Portuguese and vice versa.
What do you expect ofrom this Superliga?
My expectations are to see and learn from the big players and the sport itself. There are no days off, but it's also fun to know that you are being challenged every day and always improving.
Read the original interview: VôleiBrasil [in Portuguese]

The setter Dani Lins began the year in style: 26 years completed on January 5. In peace in personal and professional life, the player says she is already with renewed energy to fight for another title in the Superleague for Unilever, team she plays since the 2006/07 season, and much willingness to re-occupy the holder position of Brazilian National team.
A native of Pernambuco, Dani lives in the neighborhood of Leblon, the area south of the Rio de Janeiro, with parents, Snaldo and Jandira, and sister, Fernanda. Whenever possible, returns to her homeland, where is the godmother of a sports project in the city of Igarassu. In her spare time enjoys going to the movies with her boyfriend and as well a volleyball player Sidão, who usually asks opinion about the performance on the court. "He gives me some important tips. It is always constructive criticism, "says Dani, who owns three national titles by Unilever.
VôleiBrasil: How do you define your present moment of life?
Dani Lins: Thank God, live a nice moment, both personally and professionally. In November, when I returned to Unilever, after the season in the national team, I was crestfallen. Was a reflection of Japanof the World The fact that I have not played, and Brazil also have lost the title made me very sad. I came to the team out of shape and slowly I'm recovering my volley. I am also returning to the ideal weight, since I was three pounds over. The pace of training is excellent and I follow the diet established by Unilever nutritionist, Isabella Toledo. I am full of disposition for another season.
Dani Lins: Thank God, live a nice moment, both personally and professionally. In November, when I returned to Unilever, after the season in the national team, I was crestfallen. Was a reflection of Japanof the World The fact that I have not played, and Brazil also have lost the title made me very sad. I came to the team out of shape and slowly I'm recovering my volley. I am also returning to the ideal weight, since I was three pounds over. The pace of training is excellent and I follow the diet established by Unilever nutritionist, Isabella Toledo. I am full of disposition for another season.
After much work in 2010, players from Unilever had ten days off between Christmas and New year.It gave to rest?
For me, the ten days earned per month. I and Sidão went to Ubatuba, on the coast of São Paulo, with our families. I slept without waking up for hours, played beach volleyball and did fitness, following the recommendations of the technical committee of Unilever. I came back renewed. Really needed a few days of rest, away from routine training.
For me, the ten days earned per month. I and Sidão went to Ubatuba, on the coast of São Paulo, with our families. I slept without waking up for hours, played beach volleyball and did fitness, following the recommendations of the technical committee of Unilever. I came back renewed. Really needed a few days of rest, away from routine training.
What is your expectation on the current edition of Superliga?
This start of competition has shown to be one of the most balanced of last years. Unilever is well. We have a renewed team, but also to many individual talents and renowned players, among them Sheilla. We have everything to get there.
This start of competition has shown to be one of the most balanced of last years. Unilever is well. We have a renewed team, but also to many individual talents and renowned players, among them Sheilla. We have everything to get there.
You have talked to Roberta, who holds the position of reserve setter on the team?
Yes Roberta's new, full health, diligent and well trained. Not only give some hints as as well try to learn what she has to teach me. It's a tradeoff. She has qualities that I admire greatly.
Yes Roberta's new, full health, diligent and well trained. Not only give some hints as as well try to learn what she has to teach me. It's a tradeoff. She has qualities that I admire greatly.
What are your career plans?
I'm never satisfied, always want more. In Unilever, I fight a lot for another national title. In the Brazilian national team, I want to go back to being titular. Concentration and leadership are aspects that need improving. Bernardo always push me a lot.
I'm never satisfied, always want more. In Unilever, I fight a lot for another national title. In the Brazilian national team, I want to go back to being titular. Concentration and leadership are aspects that need improving. Bernardo always push me a lot.
Do you think about going back to study?
I want to make college of Nutrition, but I'll leave that project later on, when you have a little more time. Now, I'm very involved with volleyball, I get exhausted from training. Require much dedication. For now, I'm doing an English course.
I want to make college of Nutrition, but I'll leave that project later on, when you have a little more time. Now, I'm very involved with volleyball, I get exhausted from training. Require much dedication. For now, I'm doing an English course.
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Going to the movies and surfing on the Internet. I and Sidão, stay direct in the computer to slow a bit the homesickness. During Carnival, depending on free time, I go to Recife, present the rest of my family for him. It will also be an opportunity for him to know the carnival in my land ... But I must confess that I live a moment more focused on the rest, I'm running away from any celebration.
Going to the movies and surfing on the Internet. I and Sidão, stay direct in the computer to slow a bit the homesickness. During Carnival, depending on free time, I go to Recife, present the rest of my family for him. It will also be an opportunity for him to know the carnival in my land ... But I must confess that I live a moment more focused on the rest, I'm running away from any celebration.
Read the original interview: VôleiBrasil [in Portuguese]

Five titles in the Superliga, the first of them with 16 years. At 18, she was already part of the adult Brazilian National Team. In 2008, aged 23, has won the Olympic champion in 2009 and was four times champion of the Grand Prix.
With this collection achievements, Fabiana Claudino Marcelino is one of the best, middle blockers in the world. The player of Vôlei Futuro is considered a star of the volleyball world, but this is a title she does not much matter to have. Humility and simplicity are characteristics of this giant from the courts.
VôleiBrasil: How was to change of team after nearly seven years playing in Unilever?
Fabiana: Look it was not easy, because it was where I matured a lot as an athlete, but I'm very happy here in the Vôlei Futuro. And life as an athlete, is like that, you never know where we can be.
How it was to leave Rio de Janeiro to live in the continental inland? What do you miss more?
It is a radical change, leaving a big city and stop on the inland part, but I'm used to. I grew up in Minas Gerais (Santa Lucia), where my family lives, then I have no difficulty, I love peaceful places.
How is life in Araçatuba? What you are enjoying in the city?
My life has always been quiet, I'm a homebody. Here I am with the family, everyone is concerned with the welfare of the athlete, give me comfort, I'm loving it! The only thing is I'm still getting used to the heat, which to me is worse than Rio .. hehehe.
My life has always been quiet, I'm a homebody. Here I am with the family, everyone is concerned with the welfare of the athlete, give me comfort, I'm loving it! The only thing is I'm still getting used to the heat, which to me is worse than Rio .. hehehe.
How do you enjoy your free time?
I love the mall, going to movies, going out with friends, dining out and the main: sleep.
After years, you had some vacation days. It gave to rest, travel and have fun?
Wow, not even talk! It gave much to rest, I wanted to enjoy every minute. Even more that I was in family, it was very good!

What to speak about Vôlei Futuro? And your expectations with the team in this Superliga?
We're growing more each day is a wonderful project where I need not worry about anything, just need to think about my volleyball. We are on track, always running behind improvements. My expectations are huge, we are a young team we have as major goal to reach the podium.

Look, we communicate very well. Stacy is very intelligent, already understands and can speak almost everything in Portuguese; conjugates verbs in the the right time and is keen to watch TV and talking in Portuguese. Already consider her as a great American friend. We talk always, helping one another. As for Alisha, though she did not speak Portuguese, understands a lot, especially if you speak slowly. Already I can not speak much English, but I can understand everything and make them understand me.
You're five times champions of the Superleague, is an Olympic champion, among other titles. You feel fully accomplished professionally or want more?
Thank God I'm very happy for everything I have, and by winning it all so young. Still want more, want a world title, I want to play abroad, to play the Olympics of Rio in 2016, and bring more titles to our Brazil.
And in personal life? Do you have a dream not yet realized?
Yes, I have dreams of being model and fashion shows...
Leave a message for the fans!
I want to thank everyone for their support and affection. I want you to know that you are the 7th player on the court. Thank you very much! You are the key parts for our victories. Kiss for everyone. Fabi # 1
Read the original interview: VôleiBrasil [in Portuguese]

He took part in the selection of gold, is an icon in the history of volleyball nationwide, with 101 titles achieved and defended the national team for 18 years. In the curriculum, no less than two Olympic titles (Barcelona, 1992 and Athens 2004), seven times South American and four-time World League among many other titles!
We're talking about, of course, the former setter Mauricio Lima, who is back on the court as Director of Volleyball and Public Relations of the Medley / Campinas, the newest team of the Brazilian volleyball scene, formed in May 2010. Aged 42 and born in Campinas, the national idol set up the team, which debuted on 22, 23 and 24, in the Regional Games in Americana-SP in 2010.
In exclusive interview to VôleiBrasil, Maurício tells how was formed the team of the Medley / Campinas, the choice of coach Cacá Bizzochi, the experience of the middle-blocker André Heller, in addition of the the meeting, in training games, with friend and current coach of the team Sesi-SP, Giovane Gávio.
At the end of the interview, the idol also talked a little bit of his career. Check out below!
VB - How came the idea of build the team of the Medley / Campinas and being Director of volleyball, and public relations? And why Campinas?
Maurício Lima - Campinas is an important city in the sports arena, and since I stopped playing I thought of assembling a team of volleyball. Meanwhile came the Medley, a competent company, who came willing to invest, the city obviously had to be Campinas, because the headquarters of Medley is here. They were keen to strengthen The company name not only in Campinas and in the the region but also in Brazil, and the sport was the great choice of them. I think my resume has been immensely important for me to make the team.
VB - For you, what is the biggest challenge in forming a new team as The Medley / Campinas?
"The biggest challenge is not only the victory itself, but to use sport as a tool for social inclusion."
VB - What is the importance of having an experienced player on the team, as the middle-blocker André Heller, who has several titles in the the curriculum, such as the gold medal at the Olympics ofAthens/2004 and titles in the the World League?
"André in the team is of utmost importance, because for sure he will be passing experience at all the moments to the team, particularly in the most critical. He may be the equilibrium point of the players. And furthermore, Andre is a nice guy, good character, good mood, he just has to add to our team. "
VB - How is your relationship with the athletes? What lesson do you most shares in accordance with your experience on the court?
"My relationship with them is great and very respectful. I try to show that an athlete or any other person must always have in his life character above all, humility, confidence and desire to win. We must always respect people, the limits and sow good up front so that we may reap the best. "
VB - We can say that Campinas is the birthplace of famous sportsmen like you. Do you think thismotivates new talent?
"Campinas certainly formed talents in sports, in all areas, whether in football, volleyball or any other. I do not know if it will inspire new talent directly, but should definitely have a policy that would support more sports athletes because talents are not just here but across the region. "
VB - How is the reception of the lovers of the volleyball in the region of Campinas?
"We have seen in two friendly games we did in the Taquaral that the people of Campinas was lacking of sports. They went to the gym, cheered, were thrilled with the team. Just because you have something different to do in our town is a point very favorable for us. "
VB - How was the meeting with Giovane Gavio, in-training games with SESI-SP, your friend and fellow of court and coach of the team?
"Giovane is a great friend! We are friends beyond the court and also long-time. I'm hoping no doubt for another success of him, and that he achieve his dreams and goals in this new role. The game was used to evaluate how our athletes are."
VB - What are your plans for The future of Medley / Campinas? What about the expectations for the Superleague?
"The plans are ambitious. We represent a very important company and of great credibility. We want to do well on the national scene and that we can positively surprise everyone not only in the sport but in the social as well."
Read the original and complete interview in the following link: Vôlei Brasil [in Portuguese]